Mens Western Shirts - Pearl Snap Cowboy Shirts for Men | Pinto Ranch (2024)

Mens Western Shirts - Pearl Snap Cowboy Shirts for Men | Pinto Ranch (1)

Frompullovers to snap-fronts and every Western shirt in between,Pinto Ranch offers a variety of styles that cater to whatever your heart desires. Our collection includes shirts made from high-quality materials and features unique designs.

Choose from top brands including Cinch, Pinto Ranch, Stetson, Texas Standard, and True Grit. Whether you're a cowboy or just love Western style, our men's Western shirts are sure to make a statement.

Men's Western shirts are a staple of Western fashion and are essential for any cowboy's wardrobe. They are not only stylish but also functional and durable, making them perfect for indoor and outdoor activities. Western shirts come in a variety of styles, from button-down shirts to snap-front and pullover shirts. At Pinto Ranch, we have an extensive collection of men's Western shirts from Western brands that hold true to cowboy culture.

Different Types of Men's Western Shirts

Button-down shirts are a classic style that features a simple design with a pointed collar and button closures. Snap-front shirts are a popular style that features unique pearl snap closures and a more fitted silhouette. Pullover shirts are a comfortable and casual option that is perfect for everyday wear. Denim shirts are a versatile option that can be worn in a variety of settings, while plaid shirts add a touch of personality and style. Embroidered shirts feature intricate designs and add a touch of elegance to any outfit.

How to Wear Men's Western Shirts

Men's Western shirts can be styled in a variety of ways to suit different outfits and occasions. The key to achieving the perfect Western look is to balance the traditional Western style with modern fashion trends. Here are some additional tips on how to wear Western shirts:

  • Casual Look: Pair a Western shirt with jeans and cowboy boots. Choose a shirt with a relaxed fit and a classic design, such as plaid or embroidery. Leave the shirt untucked and roll up the sleeves for a relaxed and laid-back look.
  • Business Casual Look: Wear a Western shirt with dress pants and dress shoes. Choose a shirt with a more fitted silhouette and a simple design, such as a solid color or a subtle pattern. Tuck the shirt into the pants and wear a belt with a western-style buckle for a touch of fancy flair.
  • Formal Look: Choose a shirt with a more fitted silhouette and a classic design, such as a white or black shirt with pearl snaps. Tuck the shirt into the pants and wear a belt with a Western-style buckle for a touch of elegance.
  • Accessorizing Western shirts: When you accessorize, you personalize your look. Touches like a cowboy hat, belt, and cowboy boots nail a authentic Western style.
  • Tips for Choosing the Right Fit: Make sure to consider the fit and choose a size that is comfortable and feels good. A shirt should fit snugly around the shoulders and chest but should not be too tight. The length should be long enough to tuck into the pants but not too long that it bunches up. The sleeves should be long enough to cover the wrists when the arms are extended. Refer to each individual brand size guidelines to help you find the perfect fit.

Caring For Western Shirts

It's important to follow the care instructions on each Western shirt to keep it looking fresh and new. Washing and drying guidelines are usually located on a tag inside the shirt. Materials like cotton, denim, and twill are usually washed in a gentle cycle in cold water and air dried. Hot water and a hot dryer could shrink and ruin the fabrics. Suede and western shirts with special adornments like fringe and peal closures require professional dry cleaning. Clean shirts should be hung on hangers or folded properly and stored in drawers to prevent wrinkles. If a shirt is ripped, torn, or needs to be repaired, we suggest sending yours to a professional tailor.

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  • Mens Western Shirts - Pearl Snap Cowboy Shirts for Men | Pinto Ranch (2) Mens Western Shirts - Pearl Snap Cowboy Shirts for Men | Pinto Ranch (3)



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    Mens Western Shirts - Pearl Snap Cowboy Shirts for Men | Pinto Ranch (2024)


    Why do cowboys wear pearl snap shirts? ›

    Pearl-snap shirts have traditionally served a utilitarian purpose. The snaps allow a rancher to easily refasten the shirt if it gets snagged on barbed wire—no need to sew on a new four-hole button. The yoke, an extra layer of fabric over the shoulders and partly down the back, provides durability.

    When were Pearl snap shirts popular? ›

    The Western shirt received an upgrade in the 1940s when a company called Rockmount Ranch Wear added pearl snaps to create a shirt that was easy to put on and take off while wearing gloves. Pearl snaps proved much easier to navigate than buttons for ranchers overworked hands.

    How do you wear a pearl snap shirt? ›

    There are many ways to wear a pearl snap shirt, whether it's a casual look with jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat or something more formal with khakis and dress shoes.

    What kind of shirts do real cowboys wear? ›

    A Western shirt is a traditional item of western wear characterized by a stylized yoke on the front and on the back. It is generally constructed of chambray, denim or tartan fabric with long sleeves, and in modern form is sometimes seen with snap pockets, patches made from bandana fabric, and fringe.

    Should Western shirts be tucked or untucked? ›

    If you're going for a dressier look, be sure to keep the shirt tucked in. Western shirts are traditionally cut with a bit of extra length in the body to help the shirt stay in place with a pair of trousers or jeans (even easier if it's a pair with a higher rise).

    Why do cowboys wear western shirts? ›

    Cowboys, being notorious imitators, saw what rodeo performers and Western movie stars were wearing and wanted the same thing. Since they couldn't afford to buy a custom-made gabardine shirt from famous tailors such as Rodeo Ben, of Philadelphia, the cowboys got their wives and sweethearts to improvise.

    What did real cowboys wear? ›

    With slight individual and regional differences, the basic Old West cowboy attire the wide-brimmed hat, an ordinary shirt worn beneath a cowboy vest and waistcoat, the cotton or wool trousers, covered halfway with the leather chaps, the distinct tall boots with spurs, and the oversized silk handkerchief worn around the ...

    What do ranchers wear? ›

    Working with Livestock: Long-sleeved shirts and durable pants/jeans offer protection from thorns, horns, and other hazards, while also being suitable for general care of livestock, including branding, castrating, and doctoring animals.

    Why do cowboys wear long sleeve shirts? ›

    “All cowboys know the Western shirt was born out of necessity,” says Phyllis. “You need long sleeves to protect you from the burning sun and a collar that can be turned up in the heat, or the cold.” And if you're riding, cotton is crucial.

    Are western shirts in style? ›

    Western shirts are staging a triumphant return to the forefront of men's fashion, reclaiming their status as a timeless wardrobe staple. With their rugged charm and versatile appeal, these iconic garments are making a definitive statement on runways and sidewalks alike.

    How to wash pearl snap shirt? ›

    Care Instructions
    1. Machine wash cold.
    2. Hang dry or tumble dry low heat.
    3. Iron if needed.

    How to dress western for guys? ›

    Western wear can include hats and shirts, coats, pants, accessories and boots. Typically, blue jeans, a cowboy hat, a leather belt and a large or ornate buckle, along with cowboy boots and a shirt with western design and other elements, such as pearl snap fasteners, encapsulate the western look for men.

    Why do cowboy shirts have snaps? ›

    Snap buttons were a practical breakaway feature, where snaps release if the shirt gets caught on a fence, saddle horn, etc. Another practical element was no need for cowboys to be particularly adept with a needle and thread to sew on lost buttons.

    What shoes to wear with a western shirt? ›

    Pair your shirt with pieces that complement its style, such as bootcut jeans, and cowboy boots for a casual and authentic look. If you prefer a more sophisticated look, pair it with chinos, a bolo tie, a western blazer and leather ankle boots for a touch of western elegance.

    Who invented the pearl snap? ›

    Snap closures were added in the early 1900s thanks to Rockmount Ranch Wear founder, Jack A. Weil — whose innovations allowed for better functionality for cowboys and rodeo riders in the event their cuffs were snagged on a fence.

    Why did cowboys wear bib shirts? ›

    Bib front shirts became a popular uniform choice in both armies as the bib not only gave a soldier extra protection against the elements, but it also served as an easy to access place for a soldier to store a tobacco pouch, pictures of loved ones, letters from home, or a light lunch, leaving his hands free for his ...

    Why do cowboys have tassels on their clothes? ›

    The exact same thing applies to fringe on leather “buckskin” clothing. Fringe was a way to channel water off of the leather efficiently so as to not soak through the material as easily. Also, fringe moves the water away from the seams of the garment which might otherwise rot away the thread and stitching over time.


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    Author: Kieth Sipes

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    Author information

    Name: Kieth Sipes

    Birthday: 2001-04-14

    Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

    Phone: +9663362133320

    Job: District Sales Analyst

    Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

    Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.