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Re: Questions from Book 2

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Postby ngonyama »

luvdutch wrote:hi, greetings!

Les zes:

1, Kees vertelt trots over de verbouwing. " Ik heb veel zelf gedaan, hoewel ik twee linkerhanden heb. Maar al doende leert men."

(Question: What is 'twee linkerhanden hebben'? Two left hands? '
Yes: it means that you are very clumsy
al doende leert men' means one lives and learns. but is 'doende' a noun?)
doende is the present participle of the verb doen (to do). Al doende means "while doing" Al doende leert men means something like: by gathering experience you learn, you learn on the job.

2, Niettemin overwegen veel jonge gezinnen zich op het platteland te vestigen. Maar ik hoop dat het hier al te aantrekkelijk wordt. Anders is het straks gedaan met onze rust!"

(Question: What do the underlined sentences really mean? 'Al te aantrekkelijk' = already too attractive / all too attractive? which one is the meaning in the conversation? and why 'straks gedaan met rust'?)

There is probably a negation like "niet"missing in the first underlined sentence. Al te attractive = all too attractive, too attractive by much. Het is gedaan met ... means: it is over, it is done. So: then our peace and quiet will be over for good.


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Re: Questions from Book 2-------(new)

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Postby ngonyama »

luvdutch wrote:Les 7

1, .....regering en parlement. Die zijn op basis van verkiezingen tot stand gekomen. ( question: what does the underlined mean? Guess that it means: come into shape.) Yes, sort of. Tot stand komen means to be accomplished, to be formed / instituted

2, Maar het volk blijft het koningshuis trouw door dik en dun. ( question: underlined meaning? Guess that it means no matter what kind of people, fat or thin. they stay loyal.)
door dik en dun: whether in good times when people are thick/fat or in bad times when they are thin. So, door dik en dun means something like: no matter what. In good times and in bad. In English there is something similar: for better or for worse, when people marry.



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Re: Questions from Book 2

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Postby luvdutch »

ngonyama wrote:

luvdutch wrote:hi, greetings!

Les zes:

1, Kees vertelt trots over de verbouwing. " Ik heb veel zelf gedaan, hoewel ik twee linkerhanden heb. Maar al doende leert men."

(Question: What is 'twee linkerhanden hebben'? Two left hands? '
Yes: it means that you are very clumsy
al doende leert men' means one lives and learns. but is 'doende' a noun?)
doende is the present participle of the verb doen (to do). Al doende means "while doing" Al doende leert men means something like: by gathering experience you learn, you learn on the job.

2, Niettemin overwegen veel jonge gezinnen zich op het platteland te vestigen. Maar ik hoop dat het hier al te aantrekkelijk wordt. Anders is het straks gedaan met onze rust!"

(Question: What do the underlined sentences really mean? 'Al te aantrekkelijk' = already too attractive / all too attractive? which one is the meaning in the conversation? and why 'straks gedaan met rust'?)

There is probably a negation like "niet"missing in the first underlined sentence. Al te attractive = all too attractive, too attractive by much. Het is gedaan met ... means: it is over, it is done. So: then our peace and quiet will be over for good.

YES, you are right that there is a missing 'niet' in the underlined sentence concerning question 2. Because i wrote all the texts by hand with a pen. there was sometimes an error. hehehehe. thank you for pointing it out.


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Re: Questions from Book 2-------(new)

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Postby luvdutch »

hoi, paar dagen niet online, hoe is het? (sometimes I try to write dutch for practice, please correct me if any mistake occurs! thanks Questions DM book 1, 2 ( closed ) - Page 3 (1) )

Tekst 8:

1, Bedankt voor je mailtje. Alles goed hier! Sinds afgelopen zomer zijn we aardig gewend. (question: Can the underlined word "gewend" be replaced by "geworden" since the meaning of wenden is "turn" ?)

2, Driekwart van de basisscholen behoort tot dit type. (question: "three quarters of the primary schools " is a plural subject. why use "behoort" after it but not "behoren" instead?)

3, Afijn, we zien wel. Doe de groeten aan iedereen! ( question: The word "afijn" could not be found online for an explanation. does it mean something like" well, fine! for the purpose of closing the speech? "'we zien wel" similar to "we zullen zien?" )

alvast bedankt!! luvdutch


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Re: Questions from Book 2-------(new)

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Postby ngonyama »

luvdutch wrote:hoi, paar dagen niet online, hoe is het? (sometimes I try to write dutch for practice, please correct me if any mistake occurs! thanks Questions DM book 1, 2 ( closed ) - Page 3 (2) )

Tekst 8:

1, Bedankt voor je mailtje. Alles goed hier! Sinds afgelopen zomer zijn we aardig gewend. (question: Can the underlined word "gewend" be replaced by "geworden" since the meaning of wenden is "turn" ?)
Gewend here does not come from wenden but from wennen: getting used to something, acclimatize . Since last summer we have become settled pretty well

2, Driekwart van de basisscholen behoort tot dit type. (question: "three quarters of the primary schools " is a plural subject. why use "behoort" after it but not "behoren" instead?)
The subject is the word driekwart and that is singular in Dutch

3, Afijn, we zien wel. Doe de groeten aan iedereen! ( question: The word "afijn" could not be found online for an explanation. does it mean something like" well, fine! for the purpose of closing the speech? "'we zien wel" similar to "we zullen zien?" )
Afijn is a Dutchified version of French à fin, enfin. It is mostly a word that indicates that someone is tired of a discussion and wants to move on. Something like "o well". We zien wel is similar to we zullen zien, but it implies a certain resignation: something like: I dont care, I dont worry about what will happen

alvast bedankt!! luvdutch


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Re: Questions from Book 2

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Postby luvdutch »

Goedendag ngonyama en allemaal. Hoe is het met jullie?

Tekst 9:

1, Voor velen betekenen 'Hollandd' en 'Nederland' nu hetzelfde. (question: Does 'velen' here mean ' veel mensen'? when i was checking the meaning, 'vele mensen' jumped up too. both correct for referring to "mang people'?)

2, IJsselmeer (question: if one word begins with 'IJ' placing in the beginning. Both of the letters 'i and j' should be capitalized yes?)

3, De bewoners komen uit de Randstad. (question: Is there any difference between 'bewoner' and 'inwoner'?)

4, Is Almere wel een echte stad? Zo kort geleden ontstaan en met al die inwoners die elders werken? (question: What does the underlined sentence mean? It looks like the sentence misses a subject. let's say" Zo kort geleden ontstond hij en met al die inwoners die elders werken?)


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Re: Questions from Book 2

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Postby ngonyama »

luvdutch wrote:Goedendag ngonyama en allemaal. Hoe is het met jullie?
prima, hoor, dank je
Tekst 9:

1, Voor velen betekenen 'Hollandd' en 'Nederland' nu hetzelfde. (question: Does 'velen' here mean ' veel mensen'? when i was checking the meaning, 'vele mensen' jumped up too. both correct for referring to "mang people'?)
Yes, when an adjective gets -en that indicates people in plural : de goeden en de kwaden: the good ones and the evil ones. For anything but people the plural is -e: Welke huizen? De grote of de kleine? So if you see an -n that pretty much means people.
(except for the adjectives indicating materials like wollen, houten etc. That is something else)

2, IJsselmeer (question: if one word begins with 'IJ' placing in the beginning. Both of the letters 'i and j' should be capitalized yes?)
3, De bewoners komen uit de Randstad. (question: Is there any difference between 'bewoner' and 'inwoner'?)
Hmm. Good question. Inwoner is more people who live inside something, say a country, region or city. Bewoners is more on/upon something like an island, or a village (op een dorp wonen), but you also use it for a house: de bewoners van een huis. So yes there are some differences, but also a lot of overlap. I have never thought of this before, but I wonder if the difference does not go back on the existence of city walls: inwoner living inside the walls, bewoner van het platteland, someone living outside the walls living ON the land
4, Is Almere wel een echte stad? Zo kort geleden ontstaan en met al die inwoners die elders werken? (question: What does the underlined sentence mean? It looks like the sentence misses a subject. let's say" Zo kort geleden ontstond hij en met al die inwoners die elders werken?)
Yes it's a case of ellipsis. In spoken Dutch it is pretty common to leave things (verbs, subjects) out if they are obvious from the earlier sentence. In written Dutch it is often frowned upon as bad style. (Almere is) zo kort geleden ontstaan = Almere only recently emerged. (Almere is die plaats met) al die inwoners die elders werken = Almere is that place with all these inhabitants that work elsewhere


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Re: Questions from Book 2

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Postby luvdutch »

Hartstikke bedankt ngonyama! Ik heb altijd meer van de antwoorden gekregen. Hier is Tekst 10.

1, Eerlijk gezegd zie ik er een beetje tegenop. Alle baby's lijken op elkaar. En die beschuit met muisjes: niet te eten! Maar het cadeau is geen punt: ik geef altijd een boek. Kinderen kunnen niet vroeg genoeg beginnen met lezen. Hoe eerder hoe beter!


Is ' zie ik er een beetje tegenop' = 'i am a bit against it.'? I could not find the word tegenop online and why use the verb 'zie' here?

'het cadeau is geen punt', geen punt means 'no problem' or 'pointless' here?

since kids can not read, why is 'the earlier the better'. what is the person indicating?


2, Er kwam een grondwet en een parlement, de straten kregen namen en de huizen nummers. We gingen rechts rijden.

question: Literally it is saying that we were riding to the right. but what does it mean?

3, Tje, soms gaf men een grappige naam op de Franse ambtenaren. Men vatte dat allemaal niet zo serieus op. Maar het werd wel genoteerd!

question: the meaning of the sentence is that people don't seriously interpret the meaning of the names. but it has been noted down. what is it trying to say? Is noteren = noted on a paper or noticed by people?

alvast bedankt!


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Re: Questions from Book 2

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Postby ngonyama »

luvdutch wrote:Hartstikke bedankt ngonyama! Ik heb altijd meer van de antwoorden gekregen. Hier is Tekst 10.

1, Eerlijk gezegd zie ik er een beetje tegenop. Alle baby's lijken op elkaar. En die beschuit met muisjes: niet te eten! Maar het cadeau is geen punt: ik geef altijd een boek. Kinderen kunnen niet vroeg genoeg beginnen met lezen. Hoe eerder hoe beter!


Is ' zie ik er een beetje tegenop' = 'i am a bit against it.'? I could not find the word tegenop online and why use the verb 'zie' here?
No: I am little daunted by it. Tegenop zien means something like looking up at something, e.g. at a mountain. Ik zie tegen de berg op --> ik zie ertegenop.
'het cadeau is geen punt', geen punt means 'no problem' or 'pointless' here?
een punt means a point of discussion, a point of concern. Here: I do not need to worry about what to buy
since kids can not read, why is 'the earlier the better'. what is the person indicating?
It means that kids should be encouraged to start reading (beginnen met lezen) as early as possible.


2, Er kwam een grondwet en een parlement, de straten kregen namen en de huizen nummers. We gingen rechts rijden.

question: Literally it is saying that we were riding to the right. but what does it mean?
That law was passed that cars should be on the right hand side of the road.

3, Tj


a, soms gaf men een grappige naam


aan de Franse ambtenaren. Men vatte dat allemaal niet zo serieus op. Maar het werd wel genoteerd!

question: the meaning of the sentence is that people don't seriously interpret the meaning of the names. but it has been noted down. what is it trying to say? Is noteren = noted on a paper or noticed by people?
noted on paper; recorded

I'm not sure of the meaning of the fragment. It says:

Well, sometimes a funny name was attributed to the French civil servants. People did not take all that very seriously. But it did get recorded.

alvast bedankt!


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Re: Questions from Book 2

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Postby luvdutch »

Yes. ngonyama. Thank you very much for your delicate answers. The mistake you pointed out was indeed a type-error. The original sentence is ' soms gaf men een grappige naam op aan de Franse ambtenaren.' does this make sense now? is it telling us that people reported the name to the french civil servant? why not dutch civil servant? because they would laugh?

um, yeah, because now i study dutch in the evening right before going to bed. So i was kinda sleepy indeed. Type-error did occur sometimes hehehehe. But still, thank you so much for the help!

Furthermore, I never knew the history of the dutch surnames. It's fantastic!


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