The Beecher City Journal from Beecher City, Illinois (2024)


F. Tate and son Gaylor of Edinburg, Mr. and Mrs. Besto Tate Cowden, Mr. and Mrs.

K. C. Tate, Mrs. Clifford Phillips, Miss Marie Baker and Miss Alta Algood enjoyed Sunday at the H. D.

Smith home celebrating the birthdays of Mrs. A. F. Tate and son Gay-; lord, Mrs. K.

C. Tate and Miss Florence Belle Smith. MRS. EMILY WOOD DIED WEDNESDAY NIGHT Mrs. Emily Wood, a well known and highly respected citizen of Loudon township, passed away Wednesday night.

She had been in failing health for sometime, but apparently had been somewhat improved for a few weeks until Wednesday evening. Obituary Emily Lilly, daughter of Richard A. and Caroline Metham Lilly was born in Louden township on January 4, 1861 and departed this life at the place where she was born on September 2, 1936, aged 75. years, 7 months and 28 days. Her entire life was spent on the farm where she was born.

She was united in marriage to Andrew W. Moore of Beecher City on June 16, 1878. to this union were born three children, Pren Moore of Boise, Idaho; Mrs. Lilly Campbell of France Field, Canal Zone; Mrs. Jessie Rogers of Beecher City.

She was preceded in death by Mr. Moore August 19, 1884. She was united in marriage to Leander J. Wood, February 23, 1888. To this union were born seven children, four boys and three girls, one son and three daughters preceded her death, Florence died May 11, 1896; Fred April 10, 1901; Alice August 14, The surviving children are: Lemuel F.

of Shelbyville; Arthur and Mrs. Dorothy Miller of Beecher City. Besides her children and husband she leaves to mourn her untimely departure one sister Mrs. Mary Clark of Flora; three brothers, Henry Lilly of Beecher City; R. W.

Lilly of Seattle, Washington and Charley Lilly of Moscow, Idaho, thirty-nine grandchildren, eight great grandchildren and a host of other sorrowing relatives and friends. Crossing the Bar Sunset and evening star And one dear called from me, And may there be No mourning at the bar When I put out to sea. For tho' from out our bourne Of time and place The flood may bear me far I hope to see my pilot Face to face When I have crossed the bar. Funeral Services Funeral services were conducted at the Universalist Church at 2 p. m.

Sunday by Rev. Lloyd Barnard. Interment was in the Beecher City cemetery. The pall bearers were: Lon and Baine Rogers, Dale and Lee Donald Wood, Kermit Gregg and Kenneth Stubblefield, all grandsons. The flowers were carried by the Misses Beulah and Helen Wood, granddaughters.

Among those from a distance in attendance at the funeral were: Lem Wood and family and Clarence Bartscht and family of Shelbyville, Mrs. Mary Clark and son Don of Flora, Harry Ladd and John Ladd and families of Taylorville, Wm. Cramer and family of Pana, Elmer Larimore and children and Edd and Wallace Larimore of Milmine, Caroline Larimore of Bloomington, Dorse Rogers, A- vena, Spurgin Lilly and family and Mr. and Mrs. W.

T. Wright of Macon and Herbert Waddelow and family of Rosamond. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to those who so kindly assisted us during our sad bereavement. L. J.

Wood and Children NOTICE Regular services will begin at the Full Gospel Tabernacle at Holliday, Sunday evening, Sept. 13th. Evening services starting at 7:45. Remember Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Everybody welcome.

0. L. Bost, Pastor -Will Cramer, who has been visiting relatives in this community, left Monday for a visit in Dalton City. FIRST HOME-COMING A GRAND SUCCESS A crowd estimated at over one thousand filled the Beecher City School Park to overflowing Monday afternoon when the main events of the Big Home-Coming and Labor Day Celebration got underway. The addresses by Hon.

Geo. C. Tipsword and Rev. James M. Lively kept, the crowd spell bound for more than a hour.

The music by Zerr's Band of Stewardson proved quite popular and entertaining. The contests were quite heated and furnished a lot of good clean fun and a- musem*nt. Former citizens from several distant cities and states were here to enjoy the day with relatives and friends that they had not been previledged to meet for several years. Ed Carrol of Lawrenceville, the famous impersonator of Abraham Lincoln, was present enjoyed the day meeting and visiting with crowd. After a most enjoyable day at the School Park, concessionaires and the crowd moved down town, where a street dance with plenty of both popular and old time music furnished entertainment until midnight.

Two or three showers caused the crowd to seek shelter, but they returned each time more determined than ever to join in the spirit of Home-Coming hilarity. The celebration was sponsored by the Eva Casstevens' Post of the American Legion and the various committees spared no efforts to make the affair one that will long be remembered by both the folk at home and those who were privileged to return home for the occasion. The citizens of the community owe the Legion Boys a vote of thanks for sponsoring and planning the celebration which no doubt will become an annual affair. We were unable to meet only a few of the multitude that gathered here and no registration was kept at the School Park. However among those present were noted the following guests from a distance: Engle, Assumption; Harold Long, Chicago; Ella Kitson Blue Mound; Sam Algood and family, Mr.

and Mrs. A. E. Fortner and Mrs. Minnie Richards.

St. Elmo; Mrs. Clarence Allsop, Coleman, Texas; Miss Vera Donaldson, Chicago; Mrs. Grace Donaldson and children, Auburn; Bud Eden, Havanna; Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Wilhour, Owaneco; Rev. Lively and family, Mattoon; Mrs. Hattie Worthman, West Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piper, Altamont; Wm.

Farner and family, Chicago; Ray Combs and family, Terra Haute, Frank A. Brown, Chicago; Harry Frailey, St. Louis; C. C. Cole and family, Taylorville; Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. Kloth and' daughter Berniece, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs.

Delbert McCain, Altamont; Herschel Sager, Kansas; Mrs. Esther Cornwell, Altamont; Mrs. Edna Mounts and Lawrence and Mell Engle, Decatur; Burr Dickerson and family, Marine; J. G. Clow and family, O'Fallon; Mrs.

Culbertson and daughter Jane, Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Lorton, Mr.

and Mrs. C. E. Thompson and Art Konrad and family, Shumway; Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Tipsword, Monticello; Mrs. Delno Tipsword and daughter Joyce, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.

Rockwell, Decatur; Mrs. Harrington and daughter Velma and son Dickie, Cowden, Walter Wills, St. Charles, Maurice Wills family, St. Louis; Oral Horn and family, Herrick; Chas. Knap Decatur; George, Hanco*ck and son Max, Brownstown; Mr.

and Mrs. Andy Lively, Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis, Columbus, Ohio; George McNeely, Normal; Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Camberg, Chicago. AGED HERRICK MAN IS DEAD Andy Nowlin, Herrick's oldest citizen, died at his home in that village Friday night. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon. FORMER RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Maude Fulks received word Tuesday that Amos Claggett, a former resident of this community, had passed away Monday at his home near Newark, Ohio, following a paralytic stroke.

-Mrs. Thelma Traskaskia and son Jimmy and Miss Vera Donaldson spent the week, end with relatives in this communlity. WALTER E. LONG PASSED AWAY FRIDAY MORNING Walter E. Long died rather suddenly about 10:30 o'clock Friday, about morning.

three He months became a- go while working at the Staley Plant in Decatur. After, a few weeks in the hospital, he improved and decided to move to this city for a few months rest. He was apparently improving and enjoying his stay here. Friday morning his wife went on 1 an errand and when she returned, found him slumped over in his chair, lifeless. Most of Mr.

Long's life was spent at railroading. He worked for several years as a brakeman for the B. O. R. R.

Co. About sixteen years ago, he quit railroading and purchased the Corner Cafe in this city. Tiring of this business, a year or so later, he moved to Decatur, where he has been a switchman at the Staley plant for almost fourteen years. "Smiley" as Walter was known to his host of friends, was ever mindful of the needs of others and his untimely departure leaves a vacancy hard to fill. Obituary Walter Eugene Long.

son of George F. and Lutitia Long, was born in Stewardson. Illinois on June: 1, 1888 and departed this life at his home in Beecher City, Illinois on September 4, 1936 at the age of 48 years. He was united in marriage with Sarah Anna Jackson at Ridgeway, Illinois on June 17, 1914. To this union was born one son, Walter Eugene Long, who died in infancy.

He leaves to mourn his dedeparture: his wife, Sarah Anna, one daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth, four brothers, Charles of Oklahoma, W. C. and R. of Beecher City, and Paul, of Detroit, Mich. He also leaves many other relatives and friends.

He is not dead. A life like his Can never cease to be. We may not know where spirits dwell, When from the body free, But this we know, that He who sees Even a sparrow fall Will never let a life like his Be lost beyond recall. He is not dead. His spirit lives In lives he's left behind.

Such spirit will a blessing prove For years to bless mankind. 'Twill walk beside the good and true, New courage to impart. 'Twill strengthen many a feeble will, Lend hope to fainting hearts. Funeral Services Funeral services were conducted at the Cook Funeral Home at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon by Rev. Carrel W.

Flewelling of the Central Christian Church of Decatur. He was assisted by Rev. Barnard, pastor of the M. E. Church in this city.

Mrs. H. K. Coffman and Miss Kathryn Cook had charge of the music and the floral offerings. Mr.

Freeman Wilmeth sang: The Old Rugged "Sometime We'll Understand" and "No Night The casket bearers, fellow employes of the A. E. Staley Co. of Decatur, were: Ed Rentfrow, A. D.

Wall, R. D. Stafford, V. 0. Lippincott, V.

E. Smith and J. H. Wyant. The Honorary pall bearers were: Earl Boos, Chas.

Younger, Harold Liston, O. Mullis, E. Keller and Earl McIntyre. Interment was in the Beecher City Cemetery. MOVING Clifford Smith and family moved the last of the week to Brownstown, where he is teaching the Grammar Grades.

Byron Little and family have moved to the W. J. Campbell property vacated by the Smiths. Ray (Pancake) Neihls and family have moved to the Claggett property vacated by the Littles. Mr.

Neihl is employed by Undertaker C. R. Cook. WILL SPEAK AT OLNEY Governor Henry Horner will make an address pertaining to his administration as Governor at the Richland County Fair in Olney, Friday afternoon. -Ray Donaldson of Canton spent the last of the week with with relatives in this city.

-Mr. and Mrs. Curt Tate of Springfield spent the week end at the O. J. Hanson home.

-Mrs. Pearl Hobson has moved to Virden. ALLSOP-TENNERY REUNION The annual Allsop-Tennery reunion was held at the school park Sunday, Sept. 6, 1936 with about 140 persons present. Mr.

Sam C. Tennery and two daughters and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Prentis Rogers, Kenneth, Campbell and Mrs. Gladys Ellis of Erick, Mr.

Thos. Tennery, El Reno, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.

Marshall, Dix, Mr. and Mrs. Prentis Puffer, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Davis Dayton, Ohio, Forest 'Nichols and family, Arlington Heights, John Lorton and family, Decatur, Harold Roberts and family, Clinton, Harrison Cutler and family, Lawrenceville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips and son Wayne, Greenville, Don and Richard Maxfield, Mt. Carmel, Mr. and Mrs.

A. C. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Olinger, Pana Mr. and Mrs. Art Bray, Chicago, Mrs. Mary L.

Brown and granddaughter Carroll Brown Holman, Effingham, Wayne Doty and family, Dale Buzzard and family, C. O. Barr and family, Mrs. Florence Maxfield, Mr. and Mrs.

S. C. Tennery, Joe Tennery and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Judson Lively and children, Mabel Miller and daughter Eileen, Edward Miller, Chas.

Davis, Mrs. Ruth Phipps and daughter, Arthur, Mrs. Flo Davis, George Davis and family, Mrs. Ann Culbertson, Jane Culbertson, Thos. J.

Culbertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Richards, Chas.

Richards and family, Cleve Allsop and family, Arthur Richards and family, Wilson Connr and family, Gerald Barr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Slifer, N. W. Slifer, J.

T. Allsop, Dr. Lorton, Dr. S. D.

Buzzard, Mr. and Mrs John VanGundy, P. K. Wills, Alice Wills, Mr. and Mrs.

Sorg Lantz, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Fortner, Mrs. Minnie Richards, Susan and Edith Spivey, Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Chas. Mann, Clarence Mann, W.

W. Hogge, I. G. Phillips, Mrs. Herman Neihl, Jim Bartscht and Mr.

and Mrs. Cora Miller. Mrs. Florence Maxfield was e- lected president and Jane Culbertson, secretary. J.

YOUNGER DIES IN SOUTH DAKOTA Mr. and Mrs. Merl Syfert of, Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. Milt Syfert returned home last week from Carthage, S.

where they had been called on account of the death of their brother-inlaw Mr. John F. Younger. They had a very interesting 1591 mile trip and encountered a lot of rain. They also visited briefly with Bessie Syfert at Lo- gan, Iowa.

Obituary John F. Younger, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Fred Younger of Moccasin, was born July 10, 1881 in Moccasin township, Effingham county, Illinois and departed this life at, his home in Carthage, S. D.

on August 26, 1936, aged 55 years, 1 month and 16 days. He spent his childhood and early life in Illinois. About 22 years ago, he came to South Dakota in the hopes of benefitting his health. He was married to Miss Minnie Syfert at Moccasin, Illinois on- December 25, 1909. To this union were born two sons and two daughters: John F.

of Madison, S. Edward A. of Carthage, S. Ruth E. and Leota M.

(Mrs. Lauren Raynor) of Carthage. He leaves to mourn their loss: his faithful wife, four children, two sisters, Mrs. Emerson Powell of Williamsville, Illinois and Mrs. Wilbur Alexander of Fancy Prairie, Illinois, also many other relatives and friends.

Mr. Younger was an active member of the Methodist Church for many years, changing his membership to the Nazarene Church when the family moved from Manchester to South of Carthage eight years ago. He was a great sufferer, yet in all his suffering he seldom complained. It was his desire to remain a little longer with his family but as the end drew near he seemed to let loose of this old world and quietly slipped a- way to be with Jesus. He was a loving husband and father, a good neighbor and a kind friend, but above everything else he learned to know his Savior and trusted and relied upon Him.

-Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ryan went to Springfield, Friday and heard President Franklin D.

Roosevelt speak at the Governor's mansion. CELEBRATED 90th BIRTHDAY Mrs. Elizabeth Burris passed her 90th birth anniversary Sunday at the old home place near Mode, where she resides with her son John and family. Mrs. Burris was born Sept.

6, 1846 in Fayette County near Brownstown. Her husband, the late Timothy Burris, died about 49 years ago or about a year after the family moved to her present home. All six of Mrs. Burris' children and their families came to help her enjoy the day. Those present for the basket dinner included: Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Washburn and children of Mattoon; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lofland and children, Donald, Leta and Martha of Findlay; Mr. and Mrs.

Prentis Tinsley, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Stretch and Mrs. Nola Laird and daughter of East Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Syfert Jr. and son Oscar Duane of Brookfield; Mr. and Mrs. Marion Stevens and children of Louisville; Mr. and Mrs.

Loren Dagen, Marshal Burris and daughter and Glen Kelly and family of Tower Hill; Mr. a and Mrs. Earl Phiffer and Elvin Burris of Shelbyville; Jasper Smith and family of Brownstown; Mrs. Wm. Miller and sc sons.

Wayne Edwards and family, Vane Burris and daughter Dorothy, Mrs. Letha Carter and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elliott and Mrs. Mandy Hubbartt of Mode; Walter Stretch and Rev.

L. B. Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. C.

C. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ponsler, Mandy Lawson, Joe Greer, Mr. and Mrs.

John Burris and daughters, Mrs. E. Burris and Kermit Lawrence end family. -Miss Irma Raffle of Cresent, Iowa spent a few days last week with her grandfather Wm. Donaldson and other relatives in this community.

GREENLAND REVIVAL BEECHER CITY LOCAL NEWS Under this head appears all the comings and goings of Beecher City people we can gather up; any news you can furnish us will be thank- -Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Davidson of Storm Lake, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanAlst and Chas.

Cox and family of ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isam, Jr. and daughter of Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs.

Chas. Broaderick and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hull of Tovey and Richard Bryant enjoyed Sunday and Monday with Mr and 1 Mrs. Harry Isam.

-Samuel C. Tennery, Mr. and Mrs. Prentis Rogers, Kenneth Campbell and Mrs. Gladys Ellis of Erick, and Thos.

Tennery of El Reno, enjoyed from Saturday until Tuesday with relatives and friends in this community. -NO HUNTING SIGNS may be had at the BEECHER CITY JOURNAL OFFICE for 10c each or 3 for 25c. you wish to BUY ESTATE and are in need ANCIAL ASSISTANCE, Beecher City Building ciation. R. COOK, Sec'y.

eclair and bids their TO Mr. and Mrs. fur Scott. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS--for Funerals, gifts and table Call 300- HENDERSON FLORAL CO. Pana, Illinois -Rev.

and Mrs. Lively of Mattoon, Leslie Howard and family of Wood River, Mrs. Rose Feezel of St. Elmo, Miss Fae Engler of Rosamond, Mrs. tor Little, Mary Buzzard Vinci daughter Wilma, Lantz Wills and family and Prof.

Jesse Smith and family of Westervelt were dinner guests at the Eugene Engler home Labor Day. SEED RYE for SALE at the COWDEN EQUITY. -Mr. and Mrs. Art Bray of Chicago spent the week end with relatives in this community.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony worth and son Herman of Alma and Jimmie Golden spent the week end with Clark Henry at Camp Palos, Willow Springs, near Chicago. Clark has reenlisted for another term and is taking his first year of high school at night school in Chicago. C.

R. Cook Beecher City, Illinois Funeral Director and Embalmer Lady Assistant Funeral Home at. no extra cost WS. CO HOME FURNISHERS "51 Years of Good Furniture" Effingham, Illinois fully -Mrs. Flo Davis celebrated her 66th birth anniversary Sunday.

received -Carl Jenkins and family of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yokum of Effingham, Mrs. Florey and sons Dale and Waldo and Lute Florey and family enjoyed Sunday with John Scott and family. -Dale Burton and lady friend of Indiana enjoyed Sunday with Roy Schuyler and family.

-Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Sloan of Toledo and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Deffenbaugh of Chicago visited their parents in this community over the week end.

-Several from this community attended the separate reunions of the Syfert, Sloan and Kessler families, all held at Forest Park in Shelbyville last Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. E. I.

Place and Mrs. Henry Fulks visited Mrs. T. J. Culbertson at the hospital in Effingham, Tuesday.

Mrs. Culbertson continues to improve. -Miss Nora Burris accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harve Stretch to their home in East Chicago, Monday for a few weeks visit.

-W. S. Barr is attending a meeting of the Effingham County Board of Supervisors at Effingham this week. Mr. Barr is serving his 22nd year as a member of the board.

-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baughman of Edwardsville spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Lilly. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Lilly of St. Paul, arrived Tuesday to visit his mother and brother Ray. LOST--Wheel and tire (32x6) on west detour between Routes 128 and 40. Return for Reward RAY -Paul Hanco*ck has secured employment in Detroit.

His wife and son are visiting at the Jack Combest home in Robinson. -Rollie Craig and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrett of Chicago and O.

G. Craig and son Ray of Clinton are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Lorton. -Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Turner of Stonington visited relatives in this community Sunday. -I. E. Turner and family of Wedron spent the week end with relatives in this community.

G. H. Parmenter, M. D. BEECHER CITY, ILLINOIS Eve.

Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 8:30 A. 2 to 4 P. Evenings 7:30, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Telephone 36 Paint Special 49c Can ENAMELOID Special at Buy a can of this paint and see the advantage of buying QUALITY PAINT. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Protect your buildings with a coat of SherwinWilliams Paints, and beautify the interior of your home with Semi-Lustre, Enameloid or Flat Paints.

WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PAINTING SUPPLIES Special Close-Out Prices on all kinds of odds and ends of liscontinued A chance to save money. SEE US FOR BARGAINS IN SUMMER CLOSE-OUT GOODS Grobengieser Sons "The Square Deal Store" North Main-Altamont Revival meetings began at the Greenland Baptist Church Sunday night, Sept. 6th and will continue for at least two Rev. A. W.

Phillips of Olney is doing then preaching. The general public is cordially invited to attend these meetings. Rev. Phillips is a very earnest and forceful speaker and you will surely enjoy his stirring gospel messages. Services at 8:00 o'clock each evening.

77 YEARS YOUNG On Saturday, September 5, 1936, Rev. M. M. Hicks celebrated his 77th birth anniversary at his home in Bingham. Only part of his family and grandchildren could be present.

Mrs. E. I. Place and Miss- Helen Morr were the only invited dinner guests outside the immediate family. Contentment Gained My conscience is my crown, contented thots my rest, My heart is happy in it's self, my bliss is in my breast Enough I reckon wealth: A mean the surest lot, That lies too high for base contempt, too low for envy's shot.

My wishes are but few, all easy to fulfill, I make the limits of my power the bonds unto my will. I have no hope but one, which is. of heavenly reign; Effects attained, or not desired, all lower hopes refrain. I feel no care of coin, well doing is my wealth, My mind to me an empire is, while grace affordeth health. -Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. J. Kloth and daughter Berniece of St. Louis enjoyed a few days last week with relatives in this co community.

Watch This Space Next Week W. S. BARR "The Quality Store" BEECHER CITY ILLINOIS Thanks a Million for a Million for Economical Transportation CHEVROLET We are again pleased to thank you a million times for your great public acceptance of the new 1936 Chevrolet. Over: a Million of these new cars have been sold and delivered to the public Due to the great demand for the new Chevrolet we have some of the finest used cars in our used car department to offer you. All of these cars have been carefully checked and properly reconditioned to give to the used car buyer greater values than it has ever before been possible for us to offer.

These used cars are priced to sell. Come in today and make your selection. Small down payment with easy GMAC terms. CAPITOL CHEVROLET CO. Effingham, Illinois.

The Beecher City Journal from Beecher City, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.