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DaveW's Comment

Truckers Report In On Their Treatment During These COVID-19 Times - Page 1 (4)


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At a time when the public's awareness of the importance of the trucking industry in general, and truck drivers in particular, is at an all-time high because of the COVID-19 virus crisis, at least one industry leader has found an irony in the situation.

Truckers report in on their treatment during these COVID-19 times


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

PJ's Comment

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Elberton, GA

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4 years, 2 months ago

Sounds similiar to what I am running into. We have 1 shipper I go to an average of twice a week having us fill out a health questionare about medical and travel. I have to fill it out everytime I enter the plant. It gets old, but it is what it is. There is one driver all he does is load trailers out of there. He averages 3-4 a day and he told me he has to complete one each trip in. Some customers have brought in porta potties. I guess they feel that is better than us actually washing our hands inside their building.

I went to a customer in tx and had issues with loading paperwork. I made 6 trips back and forth to the security window and all 6 times the same guy took my temp.

Seems some common sense could do as much good as washing your handsTruckers Report In On Their Treatment During These COVID-19 Times - Page 1 (6)


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.


Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.

Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

Susan D. 's Comment

Truckers Report In On Their Treatment During These COVID-19 Times - Page 1 (7)

Susan D.


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4 years, 2 months ago

I've been scanned (temperature check), questioned, and not allowed out of my truck even lol.

One place in particular, in West Monroe, LA wouldn't even let any driver on their plant property. They had us pull into a dirt lot across the street, phone in our pickup information, then these 2 guys in hazmat suits, goggles, gloves, and N95 masks would come inspect your trailer, unhook it and drop the landing gear so you could pull out from under it, then a waiting yard driver would hook your empty and take it into the plant across the street to get it loaded and bring it back and drop it. They had the paperwork and seal in the back and you'd hook it, get your paperwork and go. Just crazy.

Today at Addyston, OH, I was slipped a disposable strip thermometer through a slot, told to hold it to my forehead. Then the older security guard said "I can't read that thing through this really thick glass, course I'm old and can't see **** anyway.. what's it say?" I pulled it off my forehead and nothing. A woman was walking into the building and I asked if she could read it. She says no, her sunglasses are too dark. I tell her it must be too difficult to lift them up and see what this thermometer says, and she does. Problem is, it's cold and windy and isn't registering squat lol. So the security guard asks me how I'm feeling. I tell him I'm fine and he says "ok" then opens the gate so I can go get my load.

OMG the people with gloves and masks are a trip. Had a guy literally acting like he was terrified to walk by to leave as I was placing my order at a Hardees. He asked ME to move so he could walk behind me. I just told him to walk.. it's not that difficult. As he passed, I couldn't help but say "boo!" I think the guy nearly wet himself.

Simple handwashing.. keep your hands off your face. Dont cough all over people. This isn't rocket science and people are so, dare I say it... incredibly stupid. Some act like it's the apocalypse, and at other places, its business as usual.


Hazardous Materials

Explosive, flammable, poisonous or otherwise potentially dangerous cargo. Large amounts of especially hazardous cargo are required to be placarded under HAZMAT regulations

Brett Aquila's Comment

Truckers Report In On Their Treatment During These COVID-19 Times - Page 1 (8)

Brett Aquila


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4 years, 2 months ago

Some act like it's the apocalypse, and at other places, its business as usual.

Unfortunately, most people just take what they hear from politicians and the news media at face value, because you know, politicians and the media are super trustworthy, right?

Good grief!

It's pretty obvious to anyone who has really looked into this that it was never anything more than the ordinary flu. It's terrifying how they've crushed our lives and terrified everyone for no reason.

I'll be talking quite a bit more about this very soon on our regular conversation about coronavirus.

Don's Comment

Truckers Report In On Their Treatment During These COVID-19 Times - Page 1 (9)


Wooster, OH

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4 years, 2 months ago

I have not experienced too many issues related to the pandemic. Sure, I have to fill out questionnaires at a couple of consignees or shippers; receivers only allowing one driver at a time in a small space; kept distances from others (hell, I've kept my distance from strangers while out in public for years!). Using common sense will get us through this. Unfortunately, it isn't my using common sense that is an issue. You are always going to have those morons who cough while walking by you, insist on getting up in my grill like they want to kiss me or something, or doing stupid stuff just to prove some point of "I ain't scared of no virus."


The customer the freight is being delivered to. Also referred to as "the receiver". The shipper is the customer that is shipping the goods, the consignee is the customer receiving the goods.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Junkyard Dog's Comment

Truckers Report In On Their Treatment During These COVID-19 Times - Page 1 (10)

Junkyard Dog

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4 years, 2 months ago

Fill out a questionnaire in every place I go, Temperature scanned, And most places I don't need sign the paperwork... They do it for me or leave a paperwork in the back of the trailer with the seal. Biggest thing I worry about is taking a shower. Fans are blowing its Humid in there... So I take them When I can do it very early in the morning... I'm usually customer number 1 or 2. I want to pick up a can of lysol spray so I can spray the shower air when I walk in just haven't been able to find it the places I go.


Operating While Intoxicated

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.