Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)

Abyss Beckoners
Very Rare N/A

Demonspirit Aura: The wearer's summoned creature has resistance to all damage except Psychic damage.

At the start of the summoned creature's turn, it must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw or be driven Mad.

Bhaalist Gloves
Very Rare N/A

Attack +1

Class Actions

Blackguard's Gauntlets
Rare N/A

Strength Saving Throws+1

Attack +1

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (4)Inflict Wounds
Level 4 Necromancy Spell

Bonespike Gloves
Very Rare N/A

Exoskeletal Reinforcement:Your attacks ignore Resistance to Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning damage.

Bracers of Defence
Rare N/A Become the Bulwark: You gain a +2 bonus to Armour Class as long as you are not wearing armour or holding a shield.
Braindrain Gloves
Uncommon N/A

Mental Interference: When you deal Psychic damage, you also inflict Mental Fatigue for 2 turns.

Cerebral Citadel Gloves
Rare N/A

Illithid Euphoria: Charm or Frighten a creature to gain a 1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Cindersnap Gloves
Rare N/A Protection From Missiles
Level 2 Abjuration Spell
Craterflesh Gloves
Rare N/A

Craterous Wounds: Whenever you score a critical hit, deal an additional 1~6 Force Damage.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Daredevil Gloves
Rare N/A

Doom Lobber: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Spell Attack Rolls.

Daredevil Proximity: Your Ranged Attacks are made as melee spell attacks when you are adjacent to a hostile creature. This effect can be toggled off.

Dark Displacement Gloves
Rare N/A

Subtle Swap: You gain a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls when throwing, and may swap positions with the target if they fail a Dexterity Saving Throw.

Sleight of Hand +1

Dark Justiciar Gauntlets
Uncommon N/A

Umbral Attack: Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1~4 Necrotic damage.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Dark Justiciar Gauntlets (Rare)
Rare N/A

Umbral Attack: Your weapon attacks deal an additional1~4 Necrotic damage.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Can cast Beckoning Darknessas a 4th level spell using Strength as the Spellcasting Ability.

Deadly Channeller Gloves
Rare N/A

Arcane Critical
Level1 Divination Spell

Drow Leather Gloves
Common N/A N/A
Druidic Bracers
Common N/A N/A
Flawed Helldusk Gloves
Rare N/A

Lesser Infernal Touch:Your weapon attacks deal an additional1d4 Firedamage. Your unarmed attacks deal an additional1d4 Necroticdamage, and can possibly inflictBleeding.

StrengthSaving Throws+1

Uncommon N/A Running Jump: Once per turn, after the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action, they can Jump without using a Bonus Action
Gauntlet of the Tyrant
Very Rare N/A

Enervating Suffusion:Your unarmed attacks deal an additional1~4 Force Damage.

High Spellcasting:You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC.

Level 3 Enchantment Spell

Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength
Very Rare N/A

Increases the wearer's Strengthto 23.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Gauntlets of Surging Accuracy
Rare Medium Armor Proficiency

Surge Accuracy: When you use Action Surge, gain a +1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls for the rest of your turn.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Gauntlets of the Warmaster
Very Rare Medium Armor Proficiency

Heightened Manoeuvres:Targets have Disadvantage on Saving Throws against your manoeuvre and weapon actions.

Attack +1

Gemini Gloves
Very Rare N/A

Adroit Caster: Cantrips targeting foes and allies can target an additional creature. The same target can be chosen twice.

Githyanki Bracers
Common Medium Armor Proficiency Strength Saving Throws +1
Gloves of Archery
Uncommon N/A

Corelon's Guiding Hand: You gain Proficiencywith longbows and shortbows. In addition, your ranged weapon attacks deal an additional 2 damage.

Gloves of Baneful Striking
Uncommon N/A

Baneful Strike: Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack, the target receives a -1d4 penalty to its Saving Throw against your next spell.

Gloves of Battlemage's Power
Rare N/A

Battlemage's Power: When a weapon attack roll inflicts a condition, the wielder gains Arcane Acuity.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Gloves of Belligerent Skies
Uncommon N/A

Thunderous Conversion: When the wearer deals Thunder Damage, Lightning Damage, or Radiant Damage, inflict 2 turns of Reverberation upon the target(s).

Gloves of Cinder and Sizzle
Rare N/A

Dragonfire Fists: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~4 Fire Damage.

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (32)Scorching Ray
Level3 Evocation Spell

Gloves of Crushing
Rare N/A

Crushing Blows: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to unarmed Attack Rolls and their unarmed attacks deal an additional 2 Bludgeoning damage.

Gloves of Dexterity
Very Rare N/A

Increases the wearer's Dexterity score to 18. (No effect if your DEX is higher than 18.)

AttackRolls +1

Gloves of Fire Resistance
Uncommon N/A Chilling Grace: When the wearer has 50% Hit Points or less, they have Fire Resistance.
Gloves of Flint and Steel
Uncommon N/A Hot Little Hands: When the wearer deals Fire Damage, the target has to succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or start Burning.
Gloves of Hail of Thorns
Uncommon N/A

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (38)Hail of Thorns
Level1 Conjuration Spell

Gloves of Heroism
Uncommon N/A

Warding Hands: When you use your Channel Oath spells, you gain Heroism.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Gloves of Missile Snaring
Rare N/A

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (41)Missile Snaring: You can intercept missiles from ranged weapon attacks, reducing their damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity Modifier.

Gloves of Power
Uncommon N/A Absolute Bane:Creatures hit by an attack may receive a 1d4 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
Gloves of Soul Catching
Legendary N/A Soul Fist: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~10 Force Damage.
Soul Catching: Once per turn, on an unarmed hit, you regain 10 hit points. Alternatively, you may forego healing to gain Advantage on Attack Rolls and Saving Throws until the end of your next turn.
Constitution +2 (up to 20)
Gloves of Succour
Uncommon Medium Armor Proficiency

Warding Hands: When you use Lay on Hands on a target with 50% or less of its hit points left, you also grant it Resistance against Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Gloves of Thievery
Uncommon N/A

Advantage on Sleight of Hand checks.

Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo
Rare N/A

Kushigo's Might: The wearer deals an additional 1d4 damage with Throw Attacks and attacks made with Improvised Weapons.

Gloves of the Automaton
Rare N/A

Strength Saving Throws +1

Circuitry Interface
Class Actions

Gloves of the Balanced Hands
Rare N/A Two-Weapon Fighting: When you make an attack with your off-hand weapon, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack.
Gloves of the Duellist
Rare N/A Duelling Gloves: While only holding one weapon in your main hand and nothing in your free hand, gain a +2 bonus to melee weapon Attack Rolls.
Gloves of the Growling Underdog
Uncommon N/A

Underdog's Bravery: The wearer gains Advantage on melee attack rolls while surrounded by 2 or more foes.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Helldusk Gloves
Very Rare N/A

Infernal Acuity: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Attack Rolls and Spell Save DC.

Infernal Touch: Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1~6 Fire Damage. Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~6 Necrotic Damage, and can possibly inflict Bleeding.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Rays of Fire

Hellrider's Pride
Uncommon Medium Armor Proficiency

Helm's Protection: When you heal another creature, it gains resistance against Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Herbalist's Gloves
Uncommon N/A Cleansing Touch: If the wearer heals a Poisoned creature, it is no longer Poisoned.
Hr'a'cknir Bracers
Very Rare N/A

Quickened Mage Hand: You can cast Mage Hand as a bonus action.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (55)Telekinesis
Level 5 Transmutation Spell

Ichorous Gloves
Uncommon N/A Ichorous Corrosion: When the wearer deals Acid damage, they also inflict Noxious Fumes upon the target(s).
Jhannyl's Gloves
Rare N/A

Defy Villainy: When the wearer becomes Blinded, Paralysed, or Poisoned, they automatically cast Lesser Restoration on themselves.

Saving Throw +1

Knock Knuckle Gloves
Uncommon N/A

Sleight of Hand +1

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (59)Knock
Level 2 Transmutation Spell

Leather Gloves
Common N/A N/A
Legacy of the Masters
Very Rare Medium Armor Proficiency

Arming Enhancement: Gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Luminous Gloves
Uncommon N/A

Radiating Orb Gloves: When the wearer deals Radiant damage, receieve 1 turn of Radiating Orb.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Martial Exertion Gloves
Rare N/A

Martial Exertion - Push past your physical limits, taking 6~36 Piercing damage to gain an additional attack and double your movement speed
Class Actions

Lasts 1 Turn: Short Rest to recover

Metallic Gloves
Common Medium Armor Proficiency Strength Saving Throws +1
Netherstone-Studded Gauntlet
Very Rare N/A

Enervating Suffusion: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~4 Force Damage.

High Spellcasting: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC.

Level 3 Enhantment Spell

Nimblefinger Gloves
Rare N/A

Nimblefinger: Gnomes are granted +2 to Dexterity. Halflings and Dwaves gain +1 Dexterity.

Sleight of Hand +1

Oathbreaker Knight Gloves
Uncommon N/A

Strength Saving Throws +1

Pale Widow Gloves
Very Rare N/A

Ensnaring Strands
Level 1 Conjuration Spell

Pulling Web
Transmutation Cantrip

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (70)Web
Level 2 Conjuration Spell

Poisoner's Gloves
Rare N/A

Envenom: Whenever you deal Poison damage, the target needs to succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become Poisoned.

Quickspell Gloves
Very Rare N/A

Quickspell Flinger: Cantrips that cost an action cost a bonus action instead. This effect can be used once per Short Rest.

Raven Gloves
Rare N/A

Summon Quothe the Raven
Level 3 Conjuration Spell

Reason's Grasp
Uncommon N/A Ever Vigilant: When the wearer chooses toEnd their Rage, they gain 15Temporary Hit Points.
Seraphic Pugilist Gloves
Rare N/A

Angelclocker Knuckles: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~4 Radiant Damage.

Servitor of the Black Hand Gloves
Rare N/A

Enervating Suffusion: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~4 Force Damage.

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (77)Fear
Level 3 Illusion Spell

Snow-Dusted Monastery
Rare N/A

Chilling Strike: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~4 Cold Damage.

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (79)Ice Knife
Level3 Conjuration Spell

Spellmight Gloves
Very Rare N/A Spellmight: When casting a spell that requires an Attack Roll, you can take a -5 penalty to the roll to deal an additional 1d8 damage.
Spellseeking Gloves
Rare N/A

Seeking Spell: When you make a spell Attack Roll, you can spend a Sorcery Point to gain Advantage. This costs 1 Sorcery Point per spell slot level. Cantrips cost 1 Sorcery Point.

Stalker Gloves
Rare N/A

Seldom Caught Unawares: You gain a +1 bonus to Initiative Rolls.

Skullduggery Attack: Your Sneak Attack deals an additional 1~4 Force Damage.

Swordmaster Gloves
Rare N/A

Sword Mastery: You gain Proficiency with shortswords, longswords, and greatswords. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to melee Attack Rolls.

The Fork-Lightning Fingers
Rare N/A

Lightning Strikes: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~4 Lightning Damage.

The Reviving Hands
Very Rare Medium Armor Proficiency

Aegis Palms: When you heal a creature, it gains the effect of Blade Ward. When you Revive a creature it gains the effect of Death Ward.

Strength Saving Throws +1

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (86)Revivify
Level 3 Necromancy Spell

The Sparkle Hands
Rare N/A

Conductive Strikes: On a hit with an unarmed attack, the wearer gains 2 Lightning Charges.

Effective Transmitter: While imbued with Lightning Charges, attacks against metal constructs and foes wearing metal armour gain Advantage.

Thermoarcanic Gloves
Uncommon N/A

Arcane Ashes: Whenever you deal Fire damage, you gain 2 turns of Heat.

Thunderpalm Strikers
Rare N/A

Booming Blows: Your unarmed attacks deal an addtional 1~4 Thunder Damage.

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (90)Thunderwave
Level 3 Evocation Spell

Unlucky Thief's Gloves
Uncommon N/A

Sleight of Hand+2

Adds a piece of Charcoal (Coal Bucket) to the wearer's inventory for each item they steal.

After stealing 20 times, will inflict Burning condition to the player for 1 turn.

Unwanted Masterwork Gauntlets
Rare Medium Armor Proficiency

Attack +1

Strength Saving Throws +1

Vampiric Gloves
Very Rare Medium Armor Proficiency

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (94)Vampiric Touch
Level 3 Necromancy Spell

Winkling Gloves
Rare N/A

Sleight of Hand +1

Attack +1

Winter's Clutches
Uncommon N/A

Winter's Clutches: When the wearer deals Cold damage, inflict 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost upon the target(s).

Wondrous Gloves
Rare N/A

Troubadour's Wonder: Your Armour Class increases by 1. In addition, if you have Bardic Inspiration, you gain 1 more use of it.

Gloves | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)


Who should wear the gloves of Power BG3? ›

On top of this debuff potential, these gloves also grant a +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand for the wearer. They are an excellent choice for melee-focused characters like rogues, Astarion, or Lae'zel.

Do gloves count as armor in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

You can use melee weapons as long as you are proficient. For example an elf monk is proficient with certain swords and bows and so a monk can use them in place of unarmed strikes. And yes you can forgo armor and probably should on monk. Watch out for gloves and helmets that are considered armor though.

What are the gloves of balance in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Gloves of the Balanced Hands are a rare pair of Gloves that adds your Ability Modifier to the damage when you make an attack with your off-hand weapon. Formerly worn by Doubleway Douglas Fairbanks, who was so ambidextrous his tears ran down the back of his neck.

How much did Larian make on BG3? ›

Larian Studios previously estimated that beating the game should take about 75 to 100 hours on average. The game earned $657 million in 2023 from sales on Steam, a popular online games store, according to VG Insights, which tracks Steam revenue.

Who is the bad guy in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Absolute revealing its manipulations to the adventurers. The Absolute, later known as the Netherbrain, is one of the three main antagonists (alongside Enver Gortash and Raphael) and final boss of the 2023 fantasy video game Baldur's Gate III.

What are the gloves that heal in BG3? ›

The Reviving Hands are very rare gloves you can find in the third act of Baldur's Gate 3. They're especially useful for healers. Whenever their wearer heals a target, it gains the effect of the Blade Ward spell, which offers resistance against Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Piercing.

Can monks wear gloves in BG3? ›

Monks are known for their unarmed combat, swift movement, and unique mystical abilities. Monks derive their damage with their fists with unarmed weapons. Unlike other classes, Monk's Gloves are their “weapon” of choice, often influencing and increasing their unarmed damage.

What is considered not wearing armor in BG3? ›

Only Clothing can be worn without penalty with no proficiency. Light Armour, Medium Armour, and Heavy Armour, as well as some Boots, Gloves, and Helmets require Proficiency or else you will suffer some pretty serious consequences.

Should I destroy the brain Baldur's Gate 3? ›

For that reason, we suggest freeing and not mutilating this new lifeform. Us is basically a small, temporary advantage in the earliest chapter of the game - a controllable, and pretty powerful (if limited) ally who has a lot of health and some good melee attacks that match many of the standard Baldur's Gate 3 weapons.

Is Sword of Life Stealing good in BG3? ›

The Sword of Life Stealing is a very rare Shortsword that you can find in Baldur's Gate 3. It pairs excellently with items that can help you force a Critical Hit, such as Killer's Sweetheart. With it, Critical Hits deal an extra 1d10 Necrotic damage and grant the wielder 10 temporary hit points.

What is the best damage class in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Paladin is the strongest class and subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 due to its damage output, survivability, and versatility.

Did Baldur's Gate 3 sell well? ›

Larian's director of publishing mentions the number while addressing threats and toxicity in the community.

Will Baldur's Gate 3 be bigger than Divinity 2? ›

I read this multiple times, apparently BG3 is a huge game, but not as huge as Divinity 2. I remember in Divinity 2 I would spend almost 20 hours in Fort Joy lol (not Reapers Coast, actual Fort Joy), and apparently in this game you can be finished in 30ish hours.

How old is Astarion Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Astarion is a character who the player can get a very accurate age of, thanks to the existence of his grave. When he died, he was 39 years old. However, he has been a vampire for about 200 years. With that in mind, it can be concluded that Astarion is over 239 years old.

What is the best unarmed Gloves in BG3? ›

Arguably the best monk weapon in BG3 is the Gloves of Soul Catching. With no actual weapons equipped, the Gloves of Soul Catching will boost Unarmed attacks with a whopping 1d10 Force damage on hit, as well as the ability to regain health when striking with Unarmed attacks.

What does the Power Glove work with? ›

The Power Glove was, in short, a virtual reality glove meant to be used as a motion-activated controller with the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The idea was that this amazing glove would detect wrist tilt and finger wiggles to dictate onscreen action.

What are the best Gloves for rogues in BG3? ›

The Stalker Gloves. In Baldur's Gate 3, the Stalker Gloves provides Seldom Caught Unawares and Skullduggery Attack bonuses. These gloves are perfect for the rogue class or any stealth and sneaking characters in the game.

What happens if you give the hag your eye in BG3? ›

So, what do you get if you agree? First off, your character will visually get a whited out eye. This will give you the Paid the Price condition, meaning you have +1 on Intimidation checks but disadvantage on Perception checks or when you're fighting Hags.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.